We had a pretty uneventful couple of driving days and finally arrived at the Naval Construction Battalion Center, aka CBC Gulfport, Mississippi. Gulfport is absolutely beautiful with white sand beaches and a beautiful sunset. This area was also hit hard by Katrina and there is evidence everywhere. Homes and businesses are just gone. Some have rebuilt but there are many empty lots completely bare except for some foundations, driveways or steps that go nowhere.
This is the place to eat shrimp, crab and oysters, all fixed at least nine different ways. There are many large, no, make that enormous casinos. I'm afraid this area may become another Las Vegas.
Unfortunately all of a sudden I cannot download my pictures. My last blog had pictures but was unable to load a few pictures and the very end. So this is going to be a short blog until I can figure out what is going on.
Travel safe and smart
Nancy & Joe
Happy New Year!